
Citizen accuses to win vehicle , is in charge of the economy meaning analysis of place

It must be registered through driving school that stating to take drive to shine , do not accept personal application, the practice of every place if a wheel track that happens. Along with Shenzhen people Qiao Bin dozen wins and turns to be in charge of the lawsuit of place , this not reasonable usual practice becomes historical probably. This year3Month7Japan, Qiao Bin go to Shenzhen vehicle pipe, Qiao Bin so accuse vehicle pipe on court,11Month14" the dailyHttp: / /news.sina.com.cn/c/l/2007-11-14/113714305209.shtml)

It must be registered through driving school that stating to take drive to shine , personal application does not accept , no matter enacting the original intention of this stipulation, it is what, its absurdness is self-evident. Now, law returns at last entirely the right that should belong to citizen , this is clear to have shown the progress of times , has defended legal dignity , lets one to feel pleased naturally. See this administrative judgment symbolic political meaning at the same time, the author wants to discuss the economy meaning of this incident behind.

Now, consumption does not shake , merchandise relativity excesses is a fact, consume the source nature that does not shake is people are on hand to have no money. To stimulate consumption , stimulate domestic demand , get rid of economic extrovert dependence, we want to have let trick, may always results are not large. If study its source, the author thinks that only the present income of the masses of our country lows this one generally , besides objective fact, various administrative permissions are also a important reason to the huge expense that people bring.

Take this one is just set by the Guangdong province that abolishes state to take drive to shine must register through driving school this administrative permission is regular, - - there are also similar stipulation in in fact other places, not only, the economy that has no necessity completely and has aggravated citizen is borne , have reduced the consumer space of people. Know from news, according to learning time length, it is different, Shenzhen drives school training price since3980Yuan5980Yuan does not wait.

Shenzhen attends10The persons of 10 thousand train cost to be as high as hundred millions of Yuans. If calculate whole country drive school training cost always, it will be a astonishing number. We suppose that there are the people of half to study excellent driving technology , are willing to spend money to drive to check study, half passes to self study channel grasp, so, thrifty cost nature may use on other consumption, this will take affect for the promotion of what economic arising!

In fact, besides driving school training cost, administrative permission charge or administrative permission still has to the extra expense that people bring a lot. If some places stipulate private car to start the business collect fees , go to expressway to collect fees , examine civil servant to deliver to register to cost, open shop to hand over the work business administration fee, policeman will receive the administration fee of public order, , , as the same "People's Daily" of one day reports , whole country has7000Many " red first file" have been30Remain;2005Total reaches4000Many 100 million2000Many 100 million500It isHttp: / /politics.people.com.cn/GB/1026/6525439.html)

Country always worries to twist extrovert sexual economy , and is administrative means , and is economic policy, become day busy have to be be extremely happy. In fact, we imagine , will have every year theoretically if canceling these plenty of administrative permission charges6000Many 100 millions gush such as consumption market, this withers for domestic Mi consumption market have what meaning have can imagine. Do not enter consumption market and enter capital market, can again alleviate on what degree at the moment the fund scarce difficult problem of medium and small businesses? Fund problem is solved , the wages of the masses may increase , income increases , consumer ability strengthens , , , as this, entire national economy talent goes to the orbit of benign circle.

Do not know not that one scares finally to jump. So, the author appeals country to establish as soon as possible to enact " a administrative charge law " , normalizes these countless administrative charges. Besides legislation, still deepen administrative reform , make clear the economic rights of governments at various levels is determined to reduce administrative procedures for examination and approval with matter right and pain. From reinforced budget and supervisor government, spend money to start with , control government exaction of fees from enterprises from fountainhead. Certainly, the self of the masses will also take legal weapon to defend own rights and interests , can not take etc.. If no Shenzhen people Qiao Bin more real spirit, I think , this one that Guangdong province sets states to take drive to shine must register through driving school administrative permission, had been not definitely so abolished quickly. If we take action , more not reasonable charge a possible one had been abolished.
