
Garden plant examination outline 2008( Beijing forestry university)

A, examination

Garden botany is the classification that studies garden plant , ecological habits , view and admire feature , breed to cultivate , maintenance management , match to plant application and ecology , fair is scientific with a subject art. It is higher college agronomy , work the important course of the related professional undergraduate students and garden studied. It is to enter for the examination of garden plant and view and admire the foundation of necessary horticulture direction graduate student. To help candidate to review scope and the relevant requirement entered for the examination of clearly, establish this examination outline specially.

This examination key link applies to to enter for the examination of Beijing forestry university garden institute garden plant and view and admire the Master candidate of graduate student of horticulture direction.

2 and examination

Include " garden trees

( one) " garden

First Zhang

The meaning of garden trees; The role of garden trees in city garden construction; The rich garden trees resource of our country, characteristic and the contribution of it in world horticulture career.

Second Zhang

According to plant taxonomy( kindness shelf reins systematic, Ha-Qin-Song system); According to the properties of trees( arbor, bush and rattan wooden, bamboo kind); According to trees view and admire property( sight look, sight leaf, sight flower, sight fruit, sight trunk and sight root kind);

According to the garden use of trees( garden scene tree, yard shady tree, trip tree and colored fruit tree , green Li tree, vertical forestation tree and wooden here had been set up , work mine forestation tree and scenery forest tree).

3th Zhang the function

The first

The protection

1 improves environment;

The beautifulness

1, garden trees color

3, garden trees attitude

The production

4th Zhang the ecological

The first trees

1 is environmental , ecological

3, the ecological

Second section

1, section law changes the ecological

3, temperature and trees

The moisture

1, the ecological role of water

3 is dry , waterlogging

The smooth

1, the ecological role of spectrum

3, the ecological role of luminous intensity

5, trees endure shadiness

The air factor

1, carbon dioxide and oxygen are for the ecological

The soil factor

1, soil water, heat, air

2, it is the ecological type of leading

7th section creation

5th Zhang garden trees

The concept that

1, plant natural crowd

The feature and composition

1, the composition composition that crowd

The flora of 3th section

1, crowd fall form; 2, the

The utilization of

1, analyze natural crowd to

6th Zhang city garden

It is the first

Second section

1, the investigation of

3, the investigation of the

The tree kind

1, set up the principle

7th Zhang garden

It is the first

1 matches the principle

Second festival

1 matches the way

The garden trees of 3th

1, trees and building match

3, trees and water body

8th Zhang each

See garden

( 2) " garden

First Zhang

1. The meaning of flowers

2. Domestic and international

Second Zhang

1. According to flowers

2. According to flowers

3. It is other to classify ( according

3th Zhang the influence

1. The growth growth

2. Temperature, illumination, soil,

3. The adaptation

4th Zhang garden

1. Flowers the role, characteristic

2. Use frequently protectively type( greenhouse,

3. Design and the characteristic

4. The equipment of

5th Zhang garden

1. The method

2. Flowers seed and storage and the

3. Divide , divide ball

4. Qian the method and kind

5. Graft and press strip

6. Garden flowers organization cultivates

7. Spore the

6th Zhang the florescence

1. The basic principle

2. Some specific instances

7th Zhang the garden

1. Type and the meaning of the raw garden

2. Grasp uses the raw flowers of 12 years( department is and grows and kind type, original production location, biology property and ecological habits , view and admire feature , numerous plant main points and colored cultural and garden use) frequently.

8th Zhang

1. Type and the meaning of garden old

2. Grasp uses old root flowers( department is and grows and kind type, original production location, biology property and ecological habits , view and admire feature , numerous plant main points and colored cultural and garden use) frequently.

9th Zhang

1. Type and the meaning of garden ball

2. Grasp uses ball root flowers( department is and grows and kind type, original production location, biology property and ecological habits , view and admire feature , numerous plant main points and colored cultural and garden use) frequently. .

10th Zhang

1. Garden water raw meaning and

2. Grasp uses water raw flowers( department is and grows and kind type, original production location, biology property and ecological habits , view and admire feature , numerous plant main points and colored cultural and garden use) frequently.

11th Zhang

1. Type and the meaning of indoor

2. Grasp uses indoor flowers( department is and grows and kind type, original production location, biology property and ecological habits , view and admire feature , numerous plant main points and colored cultural and garden use) frequently.

12th Zhang Zhuan Lei

1. Type and the meaning of orchid;

2. Know tropical the

13th Zhang Zhuan Lei flowers

1. Biology property and the original production location of cactus and many plants of thick liquid; View and admire characteristic and garden application; Breed technology; Cultivate management main points;

2. Grasp is common to

14th Zhang Zhuan Lei flowers

1. Jue the characteristic

2. Understanding common culture

15th Zhang garden

1. Garden lawn and garden land quilt

2. In the cold season in garden lawn, type rough warm seasonal grass are grown ( kind and ecological habits , breed to cultivate main points ); The choice of lawn plant and the type of garden lawn; Garden lawn build to plant and manage main points.

3. Garden land garden and the type of quilt land

3, examination

Candidate should grasp basic principle and the botanical basic concept of garden completely; Grasp form feature and the classification of garden plant, can accurate identification uses garden plant kind frequently, grasp its original production location and ecological habits , view and admire property , breed to cultivate and garden use; Grasp flora to fall down to knowledge; Candidate should have cultivation and the botanical theoretical knowledge of complete garden , breeds and cultivates the operating technical abilities such as garden plant; Can apply garden plant correctly to carry out planting design and draw to express; Having to use the botanical knowledge of garden solve the ability of the actual problem in environmental construction.

4 and the

( Yi) garden the plant Latin(

( 2) fill a

( 3) letter answer

( 3) questions

( 4) synthesis

5, examination

Examination way

6 and major

1, display have democratic volume

2, it is 3th that Liu Yan edits the Chinese forestry

3, Wu Di edits the Chinese agricultural publishing house " flowers is applied and designed " recently for 1994 or Dong Li edits the Chinese forestry publishing house " garden flowers application designs " for 2003

4 is recklessly Chinese , Liu Shi
