
Garden maintenance


ScientificGardenManage , should basis trees not same timeGardenIt is the different very miscellaneous condition of various places to manage working project; Each tree kind even same kind the difference of age period of the same year is also great. But it is having certain law usually still may follow. Show in will one year is majorGardenManage project,

Annual in theGardenDew land trees

Winter is pruned: Take place completely to prune homework for the plastic of the trees of fallen leaves; Xuan obstruction, disability branch, ill insect branch and the withered branch on bell wooden, big and small arbors the branch of impracticable line and building prunes. Is all right to say to set up inspection: Prompt inspection is all right to say to set up colligation and upright stake condition, discovery is untied , galvanized wire inlays skin , rectify and improve immediately when shaking the conditions such as stake. Prevent pest: Winter is the favorable season of elimination garden pest. May, in seting up the earth of loose, dig the insect pupa and insect callus that gathers to prick moth, concentration has dead temperature.1Middle of the month Xun time, Jie shell insect kind of beginning campaign, but at this time, action is slow, we may adopt the method that scrapes the larva on trunk. In winter, prevent pest, often have no time the effect of half merit time. The maintenance of green land: The places such as street green land and flower bed will notice to choose to exclude large scale weeds; Lawn will be prompt to choose grass , cut side; In green land, will notice to prevent frostbite to sprinkle water.

TemperatureGardenTrees are still

GardenIt is1In month, Prune: Continuity as Xuan ill branch and Prevent pest: Continue

Temperature goesGardenTrees begin to sprout

Tree planting: Spring is the favorable opportunity of tree planting. After unfreezing , soil should firmly grasp opportunity tree planting immediately. Before planting big and small arbors, make program design , dig in advance( plane) good tree hollow, will accomplish to follow to dig , follow to transport , follow kind , follow to sprinkle water. When planting bush, should also accomplish to follow to dig , follow to transport , sprinkle water and fully with kind in order to raise sprout wood to store alive rate. Spring is filled: Prevent since in Apply fertilizer: After Prevent plant diseases and insect pests: This month is the crucial time of prevention plant diseases and insect pests. Some sprout woods( as sea tung etc.) have arisen coal dirty illness, roll Ye Ming of melon seed of Chinese littleleaf box has also appeared ( adoption sprays to kill Ming the farm chemicals such as pine prevent ). Prevention thorn moth may adopt continuously to dig pupa method.

TemperatureGardenTrees sprout to bloom

TemperatureGardenTrees growth

Temperature is highest

Temperature drops

Temperature dropsGardenTrees begin fallen

Low temperature

