
Each big college garden takes part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools direction

The northeast forestry urban planning Study 1 garden designs2 garden architecturalThe 3 city The subject 101 political201 Englishes or 202616 garden program design501 garden Bibliography 501 garden"Garden" Du Ru Jian , Liu pipe flat"Scenery" yet Kuo Chinese architectural501 garden"Garden" leaf shakes to start , allow"Garden" Tang Xue Shan, Li Xiong"Garden" the Chinese forestryThe reference"The Chinese" week dimension right"Western" Li Zhi Ruo; The Henan"The city" Yang Nai Li and Xu Bo;"The city" same Ji university; The remarks 1. 4th door lesson is fast design, examination time is 4 hours, please self-provided following draw tool: The 1 pieces of drawing board No. 1 and blueprint some No. 1 are opened ( requirement for drawing paper or watercolor paper may, must not carry the paper that thorough picture takes affect ) , T-shaped ruler, scale, set square, pencil, rubber and needle pipe pen or draw to pen as well as watercolor or colored drawing the other appliances of fine arts needed.2. As the candidate of the same educationalThe subject of final test: 714 Chinese

The garden plant of 90.706 thousand Study 1 garden plant2 garden plant3 garden The subject 101 political201 Englishes or 202617 garden ecologies413 garden trees Bibliography 413 garden trees"Garden" Zhuo Li Huan Chinese"Garden" Chen You Min"Garden" Liu Yan Chinese611 mathematical"It is" Beijing forestry617 garden"Ecology" Sun Ru the"Ecology" the 2000s of higherThe reference"Garden plant" Cheng Jin Shui"Horticulture" scene scholar"Society" Yu Jiu and chief The remarks As the same educational levelThe subject of final test: The Suzhou university garden plant of Study 1 garden buildings2 garden plant3 Suzhou garden4 garden plant The subject 101 political theoriesStudy ( farming) orThing is studied Bibliography The garden plantPreliminary1. "Botany", Zheng Xiang Ru2. "It is"( 3th edition), WangMake1. "Flowers", wrap fully pearl2. "View and", Xiong Ji Hua edits3. "Garden", recklessly long4. "Garden plant", Cai level and wish The remarks Make1 . 1 direction: Garden plant insect studies;2, synthesize The Nanjing forestry garden plant of 90.706 Study 1 garden2 garden plant3 garden4 garden operations The subject 101 politicses201 Englishes314 mathematicses803 garden Bibliography 803 garden"Garden" ,Flowers" Beijing forestry"Garden" Zou Hui Yu volume,"Flowers" Lu build country volume,Resource uses"Application", Dong Li weaves , The remarks The subject of finalThe sameGardenAgrologyGarden plant Deliver the big garden plant of 90.706 Study 1 garden plant2 garden plant3 garden plant4 garden ecologies The subject 1 groups:101 politicses 201 Englishes 315 chemistries(2 groups:101 politicses 201 Englishes 314 mathematics( Bibliography 851 garden"Garden" error Yuan Jiong The remarks 1. May the interdisciplinary special2. 1-3 direction chooses 1 groups of examination, when making a retrial , need to carry out the written examination " garden plant and view and admire horticulture professional knowledge to synthesize "3.04 directions choose 2 groups
