
Stock makes hand memoir is shrewd to want 1

Li-Mo-Wei-Er is the one of investor who first pays attention to study for basic surface , also first think that gain big money must want to have the one of exceptional speculative expert who will also grasp big quotations patiently , at the same time, he is also the expert that first speculates with wind. He is good at to use quotations and foresee quotations very much , is advanced in advance into city to get away.

Market psychology is pointed

I straight

Know self , guard

. 1, Wall Street no new thing, today everything

Decipher: Chinese the stock market has no new thing

2, in fact, is declining quotations is legal totally, its arising need not be pulled strings behind the scenes or is deceived , its continuity need not also look after meticulously. Have no person or no which person may day a day that answer land Cui collapse market.

Decipher: Face today is

3, gain big money have to rely on deciding

Decipher: Those technologies

4, key does not lie in must buy with bottom price enter or ceiling price sells , and buying in to sell will hold appropriate opportunity. When I see short sale to make stock , the price sold every time must is more low than former once; When I buy in , condition is happened on the contrary, I so as climb constantly the price of liter receives plate. Stock is declining , I not do is many, I buy in at the time in share price rising.

Decipher: Just like the opinion of this

5, no what can than lose can teach you to not do what more.

Decipher: This few days

6In , the stock market has only two feelings - - hope and

. Decipher: This

7, matter has both sides always, and the stock market has only , it is neither one side of bull market nor one side of bear market, and it is correct one side. This general rule prints firmly when my brain, the time that I spend grows more than the time of the thing that remembers the most technical layer surfaces.

Decipher: Whether may so understand are

8, a person possibility sees visual is clear, however pawn market to plan unhurriedlily to him deduction surely direction go on , he begins to become , is impatient or doubt. Game has not defeated them, they have defeated self , so know self , guard against self weakness.

Decipher: Influence usually

9, have rebound slightly,

Decipher: It is still that sentence

10, bull market

Decipher: Though, it is

11, if a stock tendency is not good , do not go to touch it, because when you can not judge its problem place accurately, you can not determine its trend. No analysis, no forecast; No forecast, no profit.

Decipher: This is:

12, is always the same with wind game - relaxed pine makes

. 13, lucky psychology. Ordinary can hold only with

Decipher: Often one of our compartment is willing land the stock meeting of how to think that we are on hand how to, disregard other those lessons that been performing , have forgotten more perhaps its today is our tomorrow.

14, he never and quotation theory of

Decipher: Strange others and monster

15, present can't

Decipher: Whether may understand

16, nobody can grab have fluctuation. In bull market,

Decipher: Our mistake lies

17, abandonment tries to grasp finally a files - - or first files, this is the most helpful matter that any person can learn. This two files are the most expensive things on world, they let stock trade person have paid out heavy cost.

Decipher: Is first

18, a person may defeat a stock or a kind

Decipher: Think that the person of past master is absolutely not past master, as having reached peak to melt for the deepest silence, ascend a height to shout, can just have 100 should momentum. Those since consider as share god, should study this point.

. 19, quotations will not come to an end with a kind of dazzling splendor, will not also finish with case worse turning. Quotations after possibility does not also really often go to ox for a long time, share price just begins to be declining in general.

Decipher: This has corrected a mistake district, that is the most share comments the domestic bitter so-called ox bear that seeks to clamor boundary point, actually, foundation will not exist. The tendency of the stock market is not that non white is dark , still has a long intermediate region between which.

20, the most of losses in the stock market trace back its source should is ordinary speculative guest the lesson with past long-term overlook, overlook the experience of own and other persons; In short, the basic principle of overlook stock speculation.

Decipher: Return to the purpose of this text: With history as mirror, may clear gain and loss. If this text can have destiny rich friend for everybody in order to arouse surely, convenient is An pleasure! !

A stock makes hand when in is

What he shows on face is that genuine is cool-headed and sober , instead of reason, do attitude. If you have not discovered that he is to listen attentively with eye, you may think that it is apathetic that he has.

I never hit to press after

In fact, is declining

This trip a trunk is a lot of years, therefore need to

Because those fellows( successful personage or shrewd businessman, biggest follow wind person, but also already own way can gain money) do not compensate money in Wall Street always , but are to compensate money in own office. Attack to collapse they is not speculative game, and it is them. Those fellows want to win money with the own means of never think of on market in Wall Street. Law can not prevent a person not Lao the opinion obtained. If all so-called ugly phenomenons get dozen to press , the public has learnt to protect self , who can still win money? If everybody when bottom price buies in , do you buy from where? Who can sell to him?

With wind game, it is always the same , it is relaxed to make money , this is why speculation is immutable always. Because source is the same: It is greedy, vanity and is lazy. They think that profit may replace wisdom, foresight, experience, knowledge and sensible self dissect. Their hope is to run in the opposite direction with its judgment always, hope to gain to stand a loss.

What he cares about is duration

He according to own usual practice,

I not need any

Time and behavior,

Only matter a abnormal form( .

I am always observing

His life story

Only with him, it is important to be engaged in the talent of same a kind of speculative campaign. Gambler is one of his worry. For the weakness of human nature that exposes with them, he neither sympathizes with nor condemns. They are bond speculative guests , may be helpful for or obstruct his plan; Delay or accelerate him make money process.

He possesses the brains of outstanding

Though he has the inborn talent of the operating stock trained of day after tomorrow, only he thinks from the stock market not Lao obtain , or believe hearsay, or the suggestion of obeying other person sets foot in other markets, he Always resemble ordinary follow

1893Year controls , when a manage company is the junior school student of little partner Li-Wei-Mo-Er has discovered the first secret in his speculative career, at the time that rises and is declining , stock price will always present some phenomenon that moves in cycle. After some years, he then can understand , make quantity price change can the reason of self duplication is human nature.
Mankind has two big powers: Love and greediness,"In the stock- -Hope and. Problem is only, when your horrified"
Refract with reciprocating human nature on- -Include some selves"Little"Analyze.
He includes for the- -With wind person, get the- -It is too early- -Often give own trade. .He does notHe often thinks deeply. He commits

Knowledge lacks trade,

Li-Wei-Mo-ErThere is experience, exceed all memory, fast correct coordinative ability, the accurate consciousness like clocks and watches. Intuition. Inference can get the influence of bad body situation, nerve and specific environment, but intuition will not.

1907In year, Li-Wei-Mo-Er1915In year, lose millions of all assets; Speculative stock and the market of agricultural product have gained ten millions of, but again lose entirely, then again stage a comeback. Several degree frustration rises and falls , make Li-Wei-Mo-Er have sufficient opportunity to observe own realization"I lose is because of me sometimes".

I notice that price presents some

Price incorrect it fluctuation makes any explanation. What


Doing not feel

I have the action

He is indifferent Appearance De pretends. His nerve has not existed instead of geting strict control. To let this one break , is so quiet that spend a lot of art and skills. He never is theoretical with price, also incorrect those persons that make him compensate money or market volatility has resentment.

3After counting clock, he makes self complete, have broken away from stock market. This as if a race that is going on , or a smoke lit. Somebody can seldom stop suddenly , obeies its nature. Great all general must have this kind of quality , do not check their death toll; Great all politician must have this kind of quality , should not think of today solely; Having great stock make hand, must have this kind of quality , pay attention to win or lost instead of gaining actually the money gotten.

The stock market is only.

It is the major reason of causing the investor Men think that self should gain some

For me, I must prove own viewpoint Letter will not retreat , I then can When person

He should be so. But this should , always make a mistake , however Worth"Few"Principle. I have some It is well-known. Otherwise, , and do not repeat

If have person to think that This is also that I do not believe News, buy in bond , must so also It is relying on him. If Smith Can youMr, nobody can rely on I know from my experience: Than my money gained according At judgment correct

I have no amount, is interesting Seemingly do not have drama. Export to way is the same with Business, investor must pay attention

My task, book this when have Angle observation speculation. Allowing is can't be studied Is when win somewhat for beting Analyse ability, for the training . Is one to trade business, I Brain is flexible or has extensive . But play the very church how I play.

It is for me , elephant when The fluctuation tendency of share , I still depend on this behavior. Nobody One of my actual operation with Is"Compensate". And is at my"Make". Speculation

Each matter is-But have compensated completely! Some of my accidents Living have also lost delight. Men the bookkeeping that becomes Rope mood regards

I have commited one to buy in the fearful

I am hard to say simply that settle Is bent on pouring under

Make money have hindered

20That year110 thousand, have- -Or is not sure Or have no basis is from research and experience Get22At the time510 thousandBut5Month9Day has lost it that day, Since that day stock quotations record5Month9Day Panic afterwards, I still- -Also correct me to Need to

Have no what in the world than lose everything Avoid how to lose

I seem that when being those to divide , picture Pay out heavy cost. Investment is a kind of art, It is even at the time that I read quotations Is those can make you judge whether market shows Stock shows far from good reason, certainly, you

"Perhaps, I should say that chart can only help those persons who can read to understand it , says more accurately that can only help to be able to understand the person of picture intension. It is ordinary Read to seek person concern only is the rise of He has no confidence ,since he does further analysis. Person and a well-trained mathematician,- -Stock and The price of cereal,Still go backwards to trace He has traded with chart for many years. His definite Hear him to say him with him follower lose millions City is bear market, who can not also

, I Will not hinder business because of leading a It is

When my first change on stock trade is to treat Is current, want when have Er pause in manage Tendency. This words sound dull, but should understand When share price fluctuation between the

I have to begin to study in advance for one Report form, railway income and expenses and various financial and commercial statisticses are been very interested in , certainly, I like big speculation, no wonder household calls me and speculative fellow, it is same Also like to study quotations on the stock market, Once the problem that I think to have found

Progress seems to count slowly , but I think Encourage me to study quotations with great efforts. Speculative

When have to rein research make money trade Therefore gain really many money, why?

For example, share price rises at the beginning, Now, everything is smooth. But do I still make Speculate carefully carefully , will make money. Feng is low to buy in , Feng the reason exceeded Wait again forever will not come return files. Stock soars again 10 narrows. It will not change You will

When gain 20 thousand dollars, I have gained A fraction after, I have discovered

However, in which, a Age is greater; Secondly, he never makes idea Hearsay, that is said, he and not tendency Zhong Land thank you very much. If hearsay is really Therefore who also does not know whether he Who has

Half hang son fools like to buy

Old turkey"Please forgive , Ha company Mr De, I A lot of ups and downs afterwards, will understand With lower price, buy back your stock. But I Tuition, as if have gained money"

For the words of old Pa-Te-Li-Qi, I do not quite I just realize the wisdom in old Pa-Te-Li-Qi Know the own weakness of human nature. Painful

It is eventually old"En, you know"He genuine meaning Lean a few of share price fluctuations and lie in the tendency with big the stock market, change sentence words to say that can not rely on reading quotations quotation machine lie in to appraise entire quotations on the stock market and tendency. Realize this, I think that

Have mixed many years in Wall"I have gained big Is unconcerned , relevant?I am steady to can't sit. See Find many persons that have long been expected to rise very , when bear market the person that has long been declining very. I know , is a lot of to see a plate of past master, they also take the charge of best total position business stock. Their experience does not be always planed with As soon as seeing , I discover that this is also Person will earn million U.S.

Is just because of the stock market according Many investors of Wall Street, they do not be Self, they since think that there are brains Have courage and

It is crucial as I fail that disregarding the Game is to buy in stock, always wait until rise Announce and influence the factor of a few of Quotations

You must judge with your brains and your observation, The most useful matter of(Sell)Or the(Buy), they are Have ruined millions of stock

It profits that when having analysed me when Land increase money quantity. I determine to This business can have what action. This is my It is not scared1010 thousand stocks, soon share However, I still50The floating profit of 10 thousand Resale goes out , because if so do,

If saying that I know all these to slow too, Time, know failure and find out failure reason Remedial opportunity. The most of money that So lose frequently, also do not resemble then Feel proud. However, failure

My capital increase very quickly and not because The thing that receives. I have own automobile Coil. When finding the reason of"Prohibition"Enjoy my The best method of wealth is to not reduce life Let. In fact, I recall those most valuable

Pay attention to intuition.

What is still not to say that I need to study Trade old method, it is that I lean adventure Basic condition instead of grabs share, I make Xin one

I never mind , tell my others that it is weak All stock in bear market falls , and bull market Stock can rise in then, what I say is that Hope to know definitely that should buy after It is clear

I fall , have not been so lazy , but I discover Than considering global development,

It is very not easy that people want to grasp Now, key does not lie in whether can buy the Or throw , when my place bear market, when Meeting is bought in when rising

Certainly, I have Market is in bull market,

In site, the trade trap of

"Partner"Di would explain"I am not to doubt whether you Hear that Ha-Fu-Mei-Ye tells you in person, Somebody says as you that elephant Ha-Fu-Mei-Ye-Na Can't still explain problem, but second 10 Have person certainly to think can buy buy Have bought in 10 thousand, I"

This is those principle, thus I can- -This is That one side is favorable, and

If you are controling a big number , have to Pay Zhu practice, if you have plenty of moneies The 50 thousand elephants of the absorption The time of buying force. Opportunity one comes , instead of the time that he wants to sell You think what knack stock thrown may have Line is not sensible into city. To remember , the first enter city afterwards, unless really, Judge whether have gone to the time that may Between just know this, certainly,

I do not hope all think I when the slow accumulation , but what I want to say really is that if Fruit he wants to bet , I can only give him Should buy continuously into more

That incident tells that I

It is even still juvenile time, Ji view, and this is also only Really in get what, and is the The matter believed

If I do bull, that analysis Having discovered that a lot My asset, or the idea that is Emphasize again and again that Or do not join logic fly into Shape is

I have known gradually that , it is most important that I have put major energy when Fluctuate substantially to gain , control fund and play financial Rely on basic

After Sa-La-Tuo adds incident, Land see , as entire market Think of will so study the tendency Having not traded the restriction If throw quantity, have exceeded , this specific quantity depends Person holds , but for overall, Many words, will not emit have First periodicity

In bull market do is bull, do , must grasp basic principle Land trade, but say justly that It is golden to do such speculation, , in big fluctuation,

I always have to, or say that Live to cost. This

Then I for study only that quotations Ji stay besides some stock fluctuations, Never same angle research one Shelf fluctuation

Is natural, when growing a time Trade business is this , but Some and the wrong background , I for appraisement higher Like the viewpoint of not join And have no what , but is most Plain estimate also has maximum In week, it is important

Since a lot of years, I always Unfortunate mixture body. But Why, I want to gain big money Examine and self-confidence, There is- -That is the lock of Have to- -Each stride forward

Have I commited mistake , This is wise act. I make nominal, Price is too big, my money is Is close increasingly unavoidable Stabilize , stop at last, I I have opposed , because only It is steady , is to have again . Under proper condition, I Is declining

Seem the stock market seemingly In simple method, I have established Two stocks, and have noticed Can win. Certainly in then, Can resemble to tell you last Go that earnest money. I can It how to be used that by observation, The complete role of observing

I discover that study that Now, it is very good that bear So then can judge going out You located favorable condition Money is also

Certainly, I now have confidence It also has with the fact that Different method comes1906The success It is steady to

In that year, I have made It is the first time that it It is using telescope. Thus Lead us to see a lot of warnings. Lose them for newspaper office Disastrous mistake is covered Have you commited the

I consider as me to throw Beginning is declining , this Raise , and

I have been

I have
