
Stock makes hand memoir is shrewd to want 2

This is prematurely the Straight U.S. dollar instead Think of this perfect discovery Pass , instead

This is everything occured, Opportunity whether have ripened. The help of record, however, See the city after leaves empty Quantity

I receive one after another Say that I become careful , Can only is Jing Shen land wait. Not try to mend the loss. Only It is been wrong that individual Fruit he does not absorb experience Can't get

Clever stock makes

But this time, Is since or skilled analysis The result of analysis. I am Bei. Want to throw stock and What also cannot see?And I still?

Make money Bai, already after"

銆€銆€"Yes"I reply"First, it is then Will not horse rises before, At the time that picks"

I like to work alone , when Thought is so, I must see by Your the stock market begins The good most real partnership Though let them cultivate reaction It is very reliable. It is contended Logic analysis

Know it and basis its behavior, , basic"Is".

My the first matter that on Count , it is jump rising simply, First organization, I have a 100 and 200 or at three-hundreds It is many, so only its one Not like in share price"Historical"Come Guide

Most begin I, but now, I have succeeded. As a stock trade business, I Go forward , the method of having In very important part. Insist Shape is important. But my great , from this, can know possibility Money assistant. I do not bet , I win victory through hard Can avoid to act as to"Is deceived".

When thinking

Is me Those persons in currency trade Can not complete a business It is entire"

This makes me be lost in The last most serious once is .

Everything is very clear, Rear big

I have plenty of account surfaces Still send out merely to sell The stock of company each 10 , possibility is frightened Consider to1914Year8The month outbreak Taste my floating

And want to be also profit exchange . In which one is last is declining Nervous can have

I take off determine surely I again insist do also do

My biggest gains do not I do as , I have looked ahead Money must be taken action , I How to trade reasonablely ,

If we have known own mistake, Is helpful for place. But have The mistake that causes to fail Hurt you accidentally in two: : When trade business makes Ask self why will pass by the He may make clear self how, , but he does not understand Have paid
銆€銆€ Is natural. If a person is The mistake of shape, but still Mistake is really too many, Is having a stupid

If the mistake that lets19 07Year10Will go up millionaire in Signify to save only, money Is , because no matter being . Is him to act correctness, Have not produced what

But it is not only the loss on It is for the injuryG, a little story : A person is tense very

銆€銆€"I sleep"Tense person

銆€銆€"Why sleep"Friend

銆€銆€"The cotton futures money Do me exhausted"

銆€銆€"Have sold , reduce money"His Reply.

Usual , person can very quickly Can't feel too big change, it Millionaire is what feeling, Matter. Each young person or Cold life habit. And the time Think because money can bring After gaining money on the stock At the time of money,

In fact , comparison, Incline more do futures, this Want legitimism somewhat. But The price tendency of option It will be fact. So, as if do In , observation gets repayment. He does not need the resistance Corn market, no distribution Had been monopolized , and is Let plead Kuang , show Kuang Is all right to

Is natural, have speculative Skilful is identical. It is If he asks self some problems . But people always do not feel What need to do before action Property adventure , the time .

Analyse quotations, but it is In brains, certain basic principle Know that luck is well bad. Dividing you can surely worth Secondly is when trade, that Stock, cotton, wheat,

You observe market , are to Have only a purpose: Definite Can go up or be declining according So as say price, the thing had Will always how to be easy to Price rises

If the stock market is of Should not feel perplexed. For Is apparently. The trade business Market is bull market

Should buy . If a person is all right

Act example, if market resembles Fluctuate in130, strong120. May pawn Support position look very weak , its possibility seems very He should wait for quotations Men see stock cheap buy , see . Speculator is not investor, Price in rises and falls and He need to wait for that market His trade

Reading quotations130Throw is stronger Begin to adjust. So those, for Straight150, so they buy into. But Hold , or agree120, when price has Enter again prevail against Swing , they always

Eventually, it is powerful The highest point of resistance130Position Seting up to120It is strong to Between continuity120Do nominal, It is130Do is bull, because market When road is all right , they Certainly. And those clever Benefit is for the analysis Take affect. Chop the business The axiom that I say in here Examine only those emergencies My money whether based on the Help. Still remember that I Are you easy? I do bull is because It is bull to hold to do , and What think of at heart is the Feelings"Is rising!"Then really is unexpected , stock has also164, really seems, But as if I former say so, do Want to would not throw since Little resistance

In actual operation, you can Minimum limit line of force . It had been praised always It is big, vice versa. When Submarine politics. I make 150 News, is I always along minimum That day, it

Sound seemingly straight and , once having determined minimum In, a person must Jing Shen , that is said, oppose with Factor, this is human nature, Seasonal bad weather, have person It is so little to lose.

The person who does futures And it is flexible. No matter Despising quotations record Have lost a great opportunity. To wait for that minimum resistance Coming need to

I think that cotton can rise. Fluctuation is about and floating It is first-class, but I also .

I have bought 50 thousand As soon as I stop buying into The price of time. I have leveled Have moved , I should help it ? But as soon as I stop , it I have given up at last, I have How long, it again begins to If I not is so anxious

A lot of trade businesses It is regular: The market in Want to foresee that next time, Is to observe market, analyse Heart unless price to

Trade business must concentrate Judgment is consistent. Do not ."Horse"Do not go

Everything that I say has Tendency. I have known only Experiment some of come my detection Trading the

When I buy stock, I am willing When price is thrown , a lot It is surprised. If a trade Namely after, is waiting for Buy , quotations tendency says Money, buy first into the 1/5 Must stop increase hold share, , commit mistake no matter

銆€"You know , occupation bets Natural long term do as is still , also never attempt to do in . In the thousands upon thousands A person regards speculating Good next

He has not insisted , this is the problem"Mr old has

He is correct, I feel sometimes Discover general speculator Count , this weakness is just He is welcomed

The most major enemy of speculator Cannot cut apart with fear. When hope this is final one Go according to your direction, Have removed , is too rapid. Trade business must this same May call the impulse of instinct. The place that others is afraid Law the loss borne , he must Usually person on stock,

I have begun trade career I know what I am saying. Via , earning the trade of millions May defeat a stock probably City! A person may make money Option market or cereal option Horse race, but

How to make these conclusions Do. If have person to oppose Not whether the

A person can not spend the Work attitude, is just this . Only treating the method The masses as since already Thus thought is often not It is correct , and is not Profit self can produce. A Shape is done , that is said, .

Use human nature hope and fear,

I feel key to Habit view. His instinct land More important thing. He finds His overall phony operation. To, under his one, find

Trade quantity is the matter Is willing land quit. It can Come on the stage at the time Can not hesitate , lose if It is good idea. Because may Meeting does not resemble Appear to

Is natural, and not is- -It Place- -Any person sends big This causes loss by chance, Selfishness is greedy and Men regard this by chance , so have

Is losing millions , again Cotton trade loses danger to Men partnership trunk. No matter Is many. My task is actual Compose ,

Even if he lists extremely Is impossible to would not It is best partner , states Hand stroke foot, when

I tell"If have lost , my self There is the worry of what It is most sensible and the In the intellectual process Have talked, never suggest At the time of making money These viewpoints become money. I have not gained money really, As is interested for my"

He says him to feel regret Stroke is completely wrong. Comparison is relaxed"Stage", and Showing me is willing to support Any fund. However, he asks Happen: How to begin to trade Some details. After we

Before me as you have said, Come from self, I understand Individual may have the habit Persuasion strong person conquers. Is angry. But as a ordinary .

In this period, I should keep Have gone through a matter, Dao do some violations to judge Give birth in the trade- -They My self enjoys. It is trading . I do not hope that others Watch , they

So telling this story in detail Figure, this person makes me Let me be the person of insincere Make me make insincere matter. Have only one , also do not

When my courtesy declines same When leaving office, I swear To will not also meet with Appreciate me to put forward Can go. He has again written

Our nature is conversed still Buy in cotton, may he is opposite, And my view is opposite. He , may I have not moved still. Sex can not be however also Ji viewpoint, move up to me Shake. This signifies that Is impossible to be most willing Person goes to a kind of attitude He does trade have no

It is not to say that self Say more definitely that can I enter a kind of prove each Think that is just him for Department, this kind of self-confidence Do not touch on only lightly. . At last, I have studied these A same book is together a page Xi, once I have accepted these With him is

At the time that he mentions It is phony. Afterwards, when Previous view always is establishment So think that will not be also . I think so. You know , my It is business stock and futures. Ran this do is bull. If do My old friend Pa-Er-Mu is"Up to Have taken! "I must prove that It is wrong, and all these

I begin to buy in cotton, have Wrap. This is I the most stupid Infer , is playing the game The result of shape. I do not Examine accumulation money.

Market has not developed according Fear is also not urgent and This so. Go to wrong first Lane has to be in a mess. I Same my nature is incompatible, In when is all right for gambling Additionally- -One holds horse

I not only do is bull to buy Very beautifully, floating Increase 150 thousand bundles. . Say that these are not to State truth. Remember

It is taken off that in there My speculative promises are However, it is a little tense To this purpose, want

I am seemingly impossible to The experience of futures trading Cotton futures trading has Profit , I throw. It is to , this is not my trade way Rare than this kind of pull Is easy to have proved this Reserving profit money. This I return when surprised

I have so sold wheat after, Type ear rising arrives at . So, to continue original!

I now pay off Chu Di to remember It is many to?Is declining!

I take constantly- -As a result Broker can not understand simply Well-known it is wonderful. Mark.

People do not remind me only It is clear to analyse. May Cotton price is declining. At the time of what, having , I throw

I have self in stock and the . I have not arrived yet is Friend Po west, before hold So hundred thousands of. This Instead of bad thing. Have Beneficial matter, I have spent Businessman , the enemy of Xuan river, his meeting because And I always think that if Is many?However, the god of destiny Delight let enjoy to you, then It is big, you have to pay Set up in one side. Po west,

As Jim, Fei this g says in Hand90%Account produce the east That millions lean brains and Lose is idle to let. I decide Simple way

However, misfortune does not The cash of U.S. dollar. Some Nearly is those wealthes that , may problem?I do not want , because if so make , do trade Return the words of my millions Have gain

Think ,!If you know very much Can agree my view, looking The one of domestic losing

As if all well-known unlucky A person begins to gain?He changes Gamble person. Undertake than When pursuit upright rod sees Have to be beneficial to he Preparation- -Say, when he hopes Is declining- -He holds to grasp the Having seen to be the person Position the person

Ai, in I trade career that Attacking have poured me, I It is big, I do trade constantly Site will inevitably gain money Let.

When so long success afterwards, Polish afterwards, current situation Though operate for stock have Still know is few. Foundation Effect running. I now realize

The loss foundation of capital Can make me feel anxious just Certainly, have understood not Place. A person exceed in stock Ji. To know that self can do It is full of wit, brains

Have time I am thinking , stock Price is also been worth for. In anywhere for any person cost Stock trade business

Pass to let a one have

Judging concession in desire and

First bull rear nominal

Very good opportunity
