
The superintendency organization about Interactive Brokers LLC, about EUXUS

AboutInteractive Brokers LLCSuperintendency

Interactive Brokers LLC is a memberNYSE-NASD-SIPCAnd regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Headquarters: One Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich, CT06830USA

Profit thorough companySIPCMember, get the superintendency

WhenCFTCEach futures company'sEUXUS" denote the name of a exchange. This exchange nowIB LLCIt is the member

  • American Stock Exchange( AMEX)
  • Boston Options Exchange( BOX)
  • Boston Stock Exchange( BSE)
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange( CBOE)
  • Chicago Futures Exchange( CFX)
  • Chicago Stock Exchange( CHX)
  • Eurex-US
  • International Securities Exchange( ISE)
  • National Association of Securities Dealers( NASD)
  • National Stock Exchange( NSX)
  • New York Stock Exchange( NYSE)
  • NYSE Arca
  • OneChicago( ONE)
  • Pacific Exchange( PCX)
  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange( PHLX)
  • Sydney Futures Exchange( SFE)
  • Canadian Depository for Securities( CDS)
  • Depository Trust %26Clearing Corporation( DTC)
  • National Securities Clearing Corporation( NSCC)
  • The Options Clearing Corporation( OCC)
